Tuesday 14 October 2008

Reader Comments

Although the 11 November launch date is still some way off it is now possible to buy Dog Dirt Doris over the internet through Tate Publishing or www.dogdirtdoris.com which some people have done and I would like to share with you one or two comments I have received.

A young female reader informed me;

‘I was trying to make the book last me but, well I read half of it in one night. I didn't finish until 3.00am in the morning. It was fab . . . I am going to read it again I enjoyed it that much . . .” Jessica Vicars

And a reply from a male reader said;

“Just finished reading your book this weekend - really enjoyed it. This surprised me, not because I doubt you can write a good book, but because this it not my usual choice of reading. Yet I became absorbed in the story, zoomed through and reached the end all too quickly. A great first book and I hope the marketing brings it to everyone’s attention.”
Simon Hulse

1 comment:

Peter Presbury said...

Dirty Doris is a story that holds your attention from end to end,brings back memories of our WW2 experiences Air raid shelters the drone of enemy aircraft above,search lights across the sky,but also the goodness that does exist in people to do good to others not so fortunate as themselves.We hope there will be a follow up tale one day.A nice finish too,thanks,Peter and Moya(swim coach)