Thursday, 21 August 2008

Research Files Now On Dog Dirt Doris

It would appear that becoming an author and novelist is not restricted to writing books. I’m advised that I should also blog. And who determined the expression ‘blog’ anyway, perhaps someone would enlighten me. Well, as you can read below, my first ‘blog’ was more of a rant, so please bear with me while I get the hang of blogging.

In the meantime I would like to inform you that I am doing my best to put together support material and information behind the story of Dorothy. During my research period, while developing the storyline, I took many notes and photographs of the places associated with and included in the book, from which pages on are being put together. However, now looking back I have an awful lot of material that became superfluous as places and events changed to accommodate the eventual and final version that you have or, hopefully, will read.

But if there is one thing I can relay to you from all of the research I uncovered, additional to that described in the book that is, it would be that the events and situations of war described in Dog Dirt Doris are mild by comparison to some of the atrocities I learned about. I felt that true, realistic accounts of events were not in keeping with the nature of the book, despite the fact that, without the realization of such happenings, I would not have been able to create those I have described. It is difficult to realize or comprehend the price that some people paid for us to be able to sit here today and I hope that Dorothy’s story will help to bring some reflection on and respect for our own position in life.

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